Its Tough to be a Bug

Imagineering Files Permit for Demolition of It’s Tough to be a Bug at Animal Kingdom

Ahead of the permanent closure of the It's Tough to be a Bug attraction at Disney's Animal Kingdom next month, Walt Disney Imagineering has...

A Closer Look at the “Off-Bugway” Posters for It’s Tough To Be A Bug in Animal Kingdom

With news that It's Tough to be a Bug will be closing permanently next month, we stopped by to begin the process of documenting...

“It’s Tough to Be A Bug” Closing Date Announced

Walt Disney World has officially announced a closing date for "It's Tough to Be A Bug" at Disney's Animal Kingdom. It's Tough to Be...

New Zootopia Attraction Replacing “it’s tough to be a bug” at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

A new show based on “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park! Imagineers are currently finalizing...

It’s Tough to be a Bug Closing for Refurbishment in March 2021

It's Tough to be a Bug will be closing for a short refurbishment this March at Disney's Animal Kingdom. According to the Disney World...

It’s Tough to be a Bug closes for refurb

It's tough to be a bug is closed now through August 11, 2014 September 27, 2014. Here's what the Disney website says: As part of our continuing...