VIDEO + PHOTOS: Full Walk-Through of Flight of Passage Queue

The main E-Ticket attraction in Pandora – The World of Avatar is Flight of Passage. Hosted by the Pandora Conservation Initiative, Flight of Passage links you with an Avatar to take a flight on the back of a banshee. While we weren’t able to ride during our recent preview of the land, we were able to walk the extensive queue. With 4 hours of standby time past the entrance, and an additional 2 hours of standby time outside of the attraction entrance, Disney is betting that there will be long lines for this ride.  Let’s walk the entire queue.

This queue is impressive and on a scale never before seen at Walt Disney World. Located beneath the floating mountains, the entrance to the queue takes you on a gradual climb up the face the rockwork next to a beautiful waterfall.

A banshee totem marks the entrance to Flight of Passage

One of the best views of Pandora takes place on a bridge looking towards the floating mountains

You can even spot what appear to be young Great Leonopteryx clinging to the side of the floating mountains.

The caves that you enter have obviously played a big role in the Na’vi culture. Cave paintings can be seen throughout the cavernous first room.

A smaller room leads to the entrance to the RDA mining facility.

A breach of the airlock has caused plants of all kinds to take over a portion of the facility. Young Banshees can also be heard in this section as you make your way up into the part of the research facility that is still functioning.

This research facility is obviously still active, with science experiments taking place around a central, cylindrical area. Nearby, you can see an Avatar body floating in water as it is studied.

A final room shows the navigational tracking screen used by the Pandora Conservation Initiative as they track riders flying across the moon of Pandora. Past this room is the theater where you will be linked to an Avatar and take flight over the moon of Pandora.

Again, we didn’t get to ride due to the nature of the preview, but we’ll have an update once we do. Imagineering looks at the queue area as a way to start the story before the guests reach the ride. This queue is an impressive take on that “act one” concept.

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