When it was first announced, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge was set to feature a few different live entertainment offerings. These offerings were talked about during the 2017 Star Wars Celebration panel with Imagineering and Lucasfilm Story Group members. Believe it or not, Disney live entertainment was working with the stunt teams for the newest trilogy of Star Wars movies to learn and implement fight scenes into Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. These fight scenes were set to take place on rooftops, ladders, and “anywhere you can imagine”.

After spending many hours on Batuu over the past few days, we are yet to see any fight scenes of this scale or type in the land. That said, not all shows have been cut from the land. A recurring theme on Batuu is that of the First Order having just landed a few weeks ago in search for spies from the Resistance. While we’ve seen Stormtroopers on patrol near the Millennium Falcon, whispers of Kylo Ren himself arriving to check in on the progress began to surface. With both Chewbacca and Rey walking around the Resistance forest, it always seems like Kylo Ren isn’t far behind.
Sure enough, we were in the First Order section of Black Spire Outpost earlier today when a First Order officer made his way over to Docking Bay 9 to find the TIE Echelon parked on the landing pad. It has an imposing presence and is located right next to the entrance from Fantasyland. Interestingly enough, Docking Bay 9 is just out of direct line-of-sight from the Millennium Falcon thanks to the positioning of Oga’s Cantina. Here’s a look at the all-new TIE Echelon Fighter through the streets of the Black Spire Outpost.

We have full video when Kylo Ren lands on Batuu in search for Rey in the streets of the Black Spire Outpost. The show is fairly short, with Kylo Ren actually leaving the stage with two Stormtroopers to search for clues that would lead him to Rey. Check out the full video below.

Of course, if you want to find Rey or Chewbacca, you can head over to the Resistance forest. While the Rise of the Resistance attraction isn’t opening until later this year, Rey and Chewbacca are always ready to find new recruits to take on the First Order.

Keep checking back with us as we continue to provide coverage of everything you can expect from Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge over the coming days.