Tomorrowland Entrance Rockwork Repainting at Magic Kingdom

    Over the past few weeks, Disney World has been quietly repainting the blue and purple rocks at the entrance to Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom. While visiting earlier today, we stopped by to take a look at the latest progress and take a look at how much work is left to be completed.

    Starting on the north side of the walkway, we can see that the majority of the rocks appear faded and not nearly as vibrant as the recently repainted rocks on the far right of the image below.

    Here’s a more obvious comparison between the two shades of colors.

    Here’s a closer look at the vibrant, repainted section of rocks near the walkway.

    Here’s an area that remains to be touched.

    A reverse look at the work before we focus on the southern cluster of rocks.

    The southern section of rocks also looks to only be partially finished, with plenty of work left to go.

    Areas that are easily within reach seem to be mostly repainted. It will be interesting to see if the work will be expansive enough to require a partial moat draining to repaint the hard-to-reach areas or not.

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