Disney World Firefighters Speak Out Against DeSantis’ Disney Oversight District Removing Theme Park Passes for District Employees

    The Reedy Creek Fire Fighters showed up in force to today’s Central Florida Tourism Oversight District meeting to speak out against District Administrator Glen Gilzean’s announcement that District employers would no longer have theme park passes.

    Pete Simon

    Pete Simon lieutenant paramedic with the Reedy Creek Fire Department called the removal of benefits “the first brick in the dismantling of the district”.

    Aaron Clark, a firefighter with the Reedy Creek Fire Department, spoke about the generational benefits and memories that he made with his dad in the theme parks and the dream to work as a firefighter to make memories with his children in the theme parks.

    Ricky Clark, Aaron Clark’s dad, also spoke about the longevity benefit that was earned by firefighters that Gilzean and the CFTOD Board of Supervisors aimed to remove. Clark asked the Board to reconsider the removal of the theme park pass benefits.

    Other public speakers called the removal of theme park passes a “low blow” to the public servants who keep theme park guests safe.

    In a press release, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District called the employee theme park passes a “scheme to funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to Disney”.

    Martin Garcia, the Chair of the CFTOD Board of Supervisors put the onus on the RCFD union negotiators, calling the negotiators “capable”.

    Garcia said that the policy change breaks down to three reasons:

    1. Policy benefited one business – Disney. Garcia said that the pass was exclusive to Disney and that employees couldn’t use the pass at another location – like a restaurant.
    2. Policy was inequitable to employees. Employees with larger families gained a larger benefit. Larger families could get “value” of up to $3,000, while the value for smaller families was under $1,000.
    3. Policy had the potential of endorsing something “illegal” – a private company can not give gifts to public workers. Garcia said that there was a notion that a private company was providing something “free” to public servants

    Paychecks will be increased by $1,425 to make up for the loss of the Annual Pass benefit. Garcia said that the Board would continue to evaluate the gross pay bump and see if it needs to be increased.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at BlogMickey.com as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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    1. Too bad for them.
      The firefighters were cheering meatball Ron on when he took over.
      This whole CFTOD is a sad debacle. Florida’s government is out of control.

    2. Good because that is a benefit that some of the departments might not use and could use the extra money instead.

      Also who gave these passes? Disney or the City? If it’s Disney that could and should be considered bribery unless they give ALL civil servants the same treatment and they don’t.

      If it’s the city that is giving this as a benefit it’s a benefit, not a right! To these local civil servants go cry me a river now you get the same treatment as the rest of the civil servants who are not local that go to Disney you don’t get your special treatment or bribe any more poor babies!

      Again if Disney is giving a special discount to ONLY the local city that is bribery!

      Disney has nothing to do with city benefits paid by the city or even given by them! So why is Disney in the business of the city?

      If Disney wants to show support for civil servants they still can and give the local civil servants the same discount that they would give to EVERY civil servant in the United States.

      15 years in law enforcement and 2 years working in Internal affairs that sucked. Watched great civil servants get walked out because they were given free food at restaurants as that is considered a bribe.

    3. I love it as these are the same guys / gals that were all gung-ho for the takeover. Now all tears! Boo who!
      Grass isn’t greener saying here…

    4. Trolls and haters aplenty. DeSantis is the problem, not modest firefighter benefits to build a team atmosphere. The dogs are in the mangers.

    5. Let’s see, they’re getting money instead of Disney passes, BOO HOO! Some of us in the real world can’t afford Disney, medications and other things, quit crying!

    6. If I remember right, it less the 50% that where using the passes, so this insure its fair for everyone, and I think it had to be less then 50% for them to make the change legally

      • The utilization rate was between 30% and 60%. It wasn’t clear if that utilization rate was just for primary pass holders (the employee) or if that included all eligible pass holders such as a spouse/children.

        For example, would a night out at EPCOT with your spouse while the kids are being watched be counted as *just* 50% utilization or 100% utilization?

    7. If they voted DeSantis in

      If they backed the takeover

      I have no sympathy for them at all. We warned you DeSantis was a piece of s*** but no one listened as usual, you know the republican crowd has huge mouths but no ears. You reap what you sow and now have to pay for APs like the rest of us.

      For the ones that’s didn’t vote for DeSantis

      For the ones that didn’t support the take over

      I’m sorry you lost your benefits due to shady government playground grudges. You have my sympathy as I would be angered and saddened if I lost my APs for whatever reason.

    8. “I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs RCFD members who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.”

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