Third-Party Payment Issue Affecting Very Limited-Number of Annual Passholders: Here’s What We Know

    This week, a technical issue with a third-party payment vendor has led to some issues for a select number of Walt Disney World Annual Passholders. Basically, an issue popped up earlier this week that Disney is actively working on with their third-party payment vendor that led to a number of Passholders not having their monthly payment charged, and a limited number of Annual Passholders having a tough time entering the parks. Here’s what we know, and what you should do if you face this issue.

    We’ll try to funnel down who appears to be affected by the issue:

    • First, anyone who has paid their Annual Pass in full is not affected because this is an issue with monthly payments. That means that if you’re an out-of-state Passholder or someone who is not using the monthly payment plan, you should be good to go.
    • Next, anyone who had a monthly payment since the issue began (earlier this week) might see a delay in payment processing, but this will not affect your theme park access. Your payment may be delayed, but you will still be able to access the park as long as you have a valid card on file.

    The issue seems to be happening for Annual Passholders who had a payment post attempt since the issue began earlier this week, who are on the payment plan and don’t have a valid form of payment on file. The most common issue seems to be from Passholders who have an expired card on file. Passholders are currently unable to update the card on file due to third-party vendor issues. As a result of having an invalid form of payment on file, the payment cannot be posted.

    So, what should you do if you’re in that limited scenario? We’re told that you should go straight to the park entrance and try to tap into the park when you get there. If you have a valid card on file and your payment is still pending/hasn’t been posted, you should see the tappoint go green. If there is an issue at the park entrance and you’re unable to enter the park with your Annual Pass entitlement, Guest Relations is briefed on the issue and will be able to assist Passholders who would like to enter the park.

    We’re told that Disney World is aware of the issue and that they are actively working to fix it, although an estimated time for a fix is not available. Long story short, you’re probably fine and don’t have to worry about it, but if you are part of the limited number of affected Passholders, Guest Relations at the park entrances should be able to help you get into the park and enjoy your day.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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