Ahead of the “Winter 2025” debut of Zootopia: Better Zoogether!, Walt Disney World has shared a behind-the-scenes look at Ginnifer Goodwin recording lines. Ginnifer will reprise her role as Judy Hopps for the attraction, which will replace “It’s Tough to Be A Bug” inside the iconic Tree of Life.
Ginnifer Goodwin Recording for New Zootopia Show at Animal Kingdom

A new show based on Zootopia is coming to the Tree of Life Theater. The new show will include a Clawhauser Audio-Animatronic and 4D effects. Disney first announced the Zootopia show back in September 2023 when they said that Imagineers were finalizing the concept.
The new show coming to the Tree of Life Theater features Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, and all their friends from Disney Animation’s Zootopia. The show, “Zootopia: Better Zoogether!” will take guests on an adventure through different biomes seen in the film.
“It’s Tough to Be A Bug” will be closed starting March 17th, with its final day of operation scheduled for March 16th.

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