Disneyland Grad Nite 2021 Has Been Canceled

    According to a statement from Disney, Disneyland Grad Nite has been canceled for 2021. The event, which was also canceled in 2020, typically takes place in May and June.

    Disney noted that state guidelines put the resort in limbo and they will be unable to move forward with the extensive planning required to present the event.

    Thank you for your interest in Grad Nite 2021 at the Disneyland Resort. The recently released state guidelines related to theme parks put us in limbo regarding a reopening timeline in the foreseeable future, and therefore we are unable to move forward with Grad Nite 2021.

    We know how disappointing this will be to the many graduates who were looking forward to celebrating at the Disneyland Resort, and we thank you for your understanding during these challenging and unprecedented times. We look forward to celebrating your students in years to come.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at BlogMickey.com as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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