Indiana Jones Adventure Scheduled to Reopen March 26th at Disneyland

UPDATE: Disneyland has rescinded the Indiana Jones Adventure reopening date. Our original article continues below.

Indiana Jones Adventure, which is currently closed at Disneyland for refurbishment, now has a reopening date. According to the internal Disneyland calendar, the statue of Indiana Jones Adventure changes from “refurbishment” to “operating” beginning March 26, 2023. Attraction operation times are not listed on the Disneyland website, but if the internal calendar is to be believed, Indiana Jones Adventure will reopen from refurbishment on March 26th.

An Ancient Legend
Follow Indy’s footsteps into the crumbling Temple of the Forbidden Eye past intricate booby traps. Inspect carvings and frescos that tell the story of Mara, a powerful deity who promises great treasures—and vengeance to those foolish enough to gaze into its all-seeing eyes.

Brave Unimaginable Perils
Board a rugged troop transport and enter the Chamber of Destiny. Confront inconceivable dangers, like precarious precipices over molten lava, screaming mummies, swarms of giant insects, spear-throwing wraiths, collapsing bridges, slithering snakes—and a massive rolling boulder.

If you find yourself in jeopardy, only one man is brave enough—or crazy enough—to save you… Dr. Jones!

Know Before You Go
Indiana Jones Adventure is neither a roller coaster nor a typical slow-speed attraction like Haunted Mansion. You’ll board a 12-person vehicle for a fast-paced thrill ride that realistically simulates quick driving over rough terrain.

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