DeSantis’ Disney Oversight District to Reduce Roadway Repairs by $3.1 Million Across Walt Disney World Property Next Year

    This evening, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District will consider the final proposed budget for 2024. The District will present a variety of budget cuts and new spending for the next year, including the removal of Main Entrance passes to Walt Disney World for District employees and the introduction of more than $5 million in new spending to fight Disney in court.

    One of the cutbacks that the 2024 budget contains is a $3.1 million reduction in spending on “paving rehab” in the Planning & Engineering/Roadways budget. In 2023, the former Reedy Creek government spent $16.6 million for “repair & maintenance” in the roadway and engineering budget. In 2024, the new CFTOD Board proposes a budget of $13.4 million and says the budget is “decreased due to option to due [sic] less paving rehab”.

    So what roadways will this impact on Walt Disney World property? In the map below, CFTOD-owned roadways are highlighted in red. The main World Drive artery would be impacted along with a majority of the important roadways across Walt Disney World property including Buena Vista Drive, EPCOT Center Drive, Western Way, and Osceola Parkway.

    Now, a reduction in spending doesn’t mean that the roadways will fall into disrepair as a whole, but with millions and millions of guests using the Walt Disney World roadways, they do require significant maintenance. Of course, guest vehicles aren’t the only vehicles on these roadways, Disney World buses and heavy construction vehicles also use the roadways constantly. There are a few roadway repair projects underway now, including a much-needed repair taking place along World Drive southbound between Magic Kingdom and Buena Vista Drive. We’ll keep an eye on how this budget reduction that specifically targets “paving rehab” will affect the roadways around Walt Disney World in the year ahead.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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    1. Of course it will disrupt attendance. This is exactly what DeSantis had in mind; pretend that something is wrong and somehow block flow to Disney to get it “fixed”. Rest assured though, Disney is writing all of these “fixes” down, that so conveniently disrupts business [Disney], and if they find out these “fixes” are done on purpose, they could get little Ronny on sabotaging business.

      • Disney already achieved less attendance this year. Maybe Disney will have about the same or worse attendance next year.

        • Yep, but hoping they win the lawsuit against DeSantis and get the some of the loses back. On the other hand it really stinks that it’ll be TAX PAYERS paying for DeSsntis fight! Not fair at all.

        • Sounds like you’re parroting deathsantis and his grudge against Disney. Which is odd considering republicans fought so hard to get citizens united.

    2. Disney should just leave. It’ll cost them more in the end having this back and forth with the trashcan DeSantis and his bootlickers. It won’t kill Florida’s revenue, but you’d be a blind party loyalist to deny it’d still leave a dent.

        • This is what I hate about the court system, clearly what DeSantis his done is completely illegal. This case should have been in the courts 8 months ago. If Florida is where woke comes to die then stupidity must come to live.
          DeSantis is a moron who thinks because someone doesn’t agree with him he has the right to attack them . He is in complete violation of the Constitution and a idiot.

      • No, Disney shouldn’t leave. They are protected by the Constitution and DeSantis will lose at minimum that case. Get ready to say “thank you” to him for making you and me pay for his vengeance

    3. If all else fails Disney should stop improving and start looking into another friendly state. I’m sure all roads will fall into disarray just for spite I hope Disney stops upgrading and builds a new park out of Florida

    4. Disney won’t leave. We’re a capitalistic society, always follow the money. But in the end DeSantis will loose, because he’ll be viewed as bad for big business and that’s unAmerican.

    5. They will trash all the plants and make a mess of the roads, cutting that much money on purpose. Disney has always had those roads well maintained and the landscape impecable.

    6. DeSantis has nothing to do with the board except for appointing them which is normal for special districts in Florida. The legal expenses for Disney’s frivolous lawsuits has to come out of somewhere from the District’s budget, so Disney’s paying for the attorney’s fees of the District. Disney has already dropped all of it’s lawsuits claim except for the free speech one, where they claim they lost control of Reedy Creek because of their free speech. Problem with that is that it’s illegal for a private corporation to have control of a government entity. Disney was supposed to build Epcot City and have it’s citizens choose their representatives , but Disney through shenanigans kept control of the Reedy Creek government.

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