This past summer, Disney World embarked on a facade repainting project in the United Kingdom at EPCOT. The refurbishment included many of the facades toward the back of the pavilion, with early-morning access even limited on some days to support the work. For a look back at that refurbishment, check out our article below.
While visiting EPCOT today, we noticed that new scaffolding has been erected on a new set of facades closer to the front of the pavilion. More specifically, the work is taking place on the facades facing the tea garden near where Alice in Wonderland currently meets with guests. Alice’s meet and greet is unaffected, but access to the garden is now blocked off as work begins. Here’s a look around!
For more facade repainting news out of EPCOT, check out our coverage of the Hotel du Canada repainting project that is wrapping up.
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