Most Scaffolding Removed, New Hot Sauce Mural at Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

    While visiting Magic Kingdom today, we decided to check in on the Tiana’s Bayou Adventure project briefly. For a more comprehensive update on what’s new in Tiana’s corner of Frontierland, check out our article from a couple of days ago.

    In this article, we want to draw your attention to two things in particular. First, there is a new hot sauce mural near the gift shop. It advertises the four types of Tiana’s Foods hot sauce that we’ve seen throughout the process: original, roasted pepper, roasted garlic, and red chili.

    You can see the four bottles in the window displays of the Critter Co-Op.

    While the hot sauce mural is a smaller update, a more significant piece of news is that most of the scaffolding has been removed. Previously, we saw more scaffolding around the millhouse to the left of the salt dome. That scaffolding has been removed, and the most significant section of scaffolding left on the facade can be found on the far lefthand side. Unfortunately, it looks like Disney is not going to end up adding enough greenery to completely remove the Splash Mountain look from the left side of the attraction, but that also seems to be true for the Critter Co-Op.

    There is still a bit of set dressing left to be completed in the overlook pool beyond these construction walls, but it looks to be roughly 90%+ complete at this point.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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