VIDEO: Behind-the-Scenes Look at Wonderful World of Animation Projection Show Coming to Hollywood Studios

As we approach the debut date of the Wonderful World of Animation projection show on May 1st, Disney has shared a behind the scenes look at crews putting the final touches on the show.

“Wonderful World of Animation” begins with the one-and-only Mickey Mouse, as the park’s iconic Chinese Theater transforms into the black-and-white world of the classic short film, “Mickey’s Gala Premiere.” From there, the show bursts forth in full color, celebrating Mickey’s starring role in “Fantasia” as it launches into sequences filled with magic, family, adventure, romance, villainy and friendship. Each theme is brought to life through unforgettable moments from Disney and Pixar animated films, from “Coco” and “The Incredibles” to “Sleeping Beauty” and “Ralph Breaks the Internet.”

With nods to the vast library from Disney and Pixar Animation Studios’ long legacy, “Wonderful World of Animation” is the perfect complement to an exhilarating day of adventures at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and a great way to celebrate the park’s 30th anniversary.

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