Rise of the Resistance Pre-Shows Reduce Physical Distancing, Remove Plexiglass

    Disney continues to adjust their health and safety measures following a reduction in physical distancing requirements by Orange County. We’ve covered changes at Tower of Terror and Splash Mountain so far, but we’ve also received a report of changes to the Rise of the Resistance pre-show portions of the ride.

    According to a tweet into BlogMickey.com from Carter Timberlake, Rise of the Resistance has removed plexiglass from their pre-show areas, physical distancing markers have been removed, and Cast Members are instructing guests to remain 3ft apart.

    As a reminder, here’s what the pre-shows used to look like with physical distancing markers and plexiglass in place.

    Physical distancing markers reportedly remain in place for the interrogation room and staging areas, as seen below.

    This change may have a functional impact on capacity if it allows fewer vehicles to be loaded with empty spaces. That would occur should not enough guests get through the pre-show elements quickly enough for there to be a supply of guests to pair off into the interrogation rooms. In reality, the addition of plexiglass to the ride vehicles was probably a more substantial change in terms of capacity throughput.

    Rise of the Plexiglass: Disney Adds More Plexiglass to Pre-Show Rooms and All Rise of the Resistance Vehicles Ahead of Pandemic-Era Capacity Increase
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