Following the debut of a new Disney’s Animal Kingdom map that removes mentions of the 50th Anniversary, Disney Springs has debuted a new map as well that represents a post-50th Walt Disney World. The previous map was released in November 2022, and the new map was released this month. Here’s a look at the before/current, along with notable differences:
- 50th Anniversary EARidescent theme removed
- Removed Health and Safety Reminder
- Highlights Disney PhotoPass Service
- New cover image
- Removes mention of 50th Anniversary offerings
- Highlights Disney Springs Art Walk
- Highlights My Disney Experience app
- 50th Anniversary EARidescent theme removed
- Removed reference to National Geographic Store
- Lists a new, to-be-announced store in Marketplace Co-Op
- Lists a new, to-be-announced store to take over Sosa Cigars
- Select locations no longer listed as “new” such as Salt & Straw
The 50th Anniversary celebration officially ends March 31st, although we have seen Disney World start to remove offerings and decor early.
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