This Fall, a brand new show will debut at Disney’s Hollywood Studios called The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure. The show will replace the former Voyage of the Little Mermaid show after it was permanently closed following the COVID-19 shutdowns. Here’s Disney’s announcement of the new show:
“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure,” a fully reimagined theatrical production inspired by the Walt Disney Animation Studios classic “The Little Mermaid,” will debut in the newly refreshed Animation Courtyard theater in fall 2024.
As part of our continued investment in the Parks experience, Disney Live Entertainment has been dreaming up innovative ways to bring new life to the beloved story of Ariel’s journey to be part of the human world. When it opens, the show will feature stunning new set pieces, cutting-edge effects, and a bold new design that captures Ariel’s imagination and emotions through her unique view of the world around her.
“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure” will have guests flipping their fins to musical numbers inspired by the film including “Part of Your World,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” and more. Check out this beautiful concept artwork of the show’s “Kiss the Girl” scene – an all-new addition that captures the magic of this fresh production.
As construction continues in the theater, Disney has started putting out casting calls for performers and puppeteers. Here’s the latest:
Ariel: 5’2″ – 5’6″. A spirited, fun-loving, yet curious mermaid princess who longs to be a part of the human world. Lyrical pop soprano with belt to C.
Prince Eric: 5’10“- 6’0″. Charismatic and fearless, Prince Eric is a true romantic who never gives up on his heart’s desire. Non-singing role.
Puppeteers: 5’2” – 6’3”, with puppeteering experience to help bring to life The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure and Festival of the Lion King.
Puppeteers will use their skills to interact with guests and tell classic Disney tales using a variety of puppeteering techniques and styles, from hand-and-rod, to mechanical, to full-body parade puppets.
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