New Social Distancing Dividers Installed on Disney World Monorail, Doubling Pandemic-Era Capacity

    Disney has installed new dividers on the Walt Disney World Monorail system, effectively doubling the capacity by allowing them to seat twice as many groups as before.

    Previously, two parties were able to sit in a single side of a monorail car. By installing the additional partition seen in the photos below, Disney is now able to seat up to four sepertate parties on a single side of a monorail car. Here’s a look at the dividers and new loading procedure, which assigns a number to a party.

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    1. Sure, keep increasing capacity – and the number of breathing bodies in proximity and within closed spaces – while national numbers soar. Oh, and just in time for the rise in the more transmissible variant. Oh, and it seems the majority of transmissions come from asymptomatic infected. You couldn’t pay me enough to visit WDW now.

    2. I try to keep my covid-era frustration to myself, but I’m also disturbed by Disney’s increase in capacity for attractions and the like. As a former decade+ cast member, seeing the crowds on tv and YouTube over the holidays was jaw dropping. How they can possibly justify the risk of these daily super spreader events in their parks and resorts is beyond me. Several of my former colleagues have been exposed and have gotten sick, but Disney will not report on that. The hands off stance they take when reporting figures is criminal. And for anyone saying “they are a business just trying to survive” is absolute nonsense. They have the capital. They’ll be fine. Just ask their executives to forfeit some of their salary for once (heavy sarcasm).

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