Imagine this. The Journey Into Imagination With Figment attraction has not opened yet today at EPCOT, and whatever is causing attraction downtime is also impacting the Figment meet and greet in the ImageWorks post-show area. While visiting EPCOT today, we noticed that the Journey Into Imagination With Figment attraction was experiencing downtime, but decided to head indoors to meet with Figment anyway. As it turns out, both the meet and greet and attraction are temporarily closed to guests as maintenance crews scurry around the area.

Cast Members we spoke with were not sure how long the downtime would last, but said that they’re in the process of removing the Figment meet and greet info from the My Disney Experience app. The closure is likely temporary, and we expect that it will be remedied in hours to days, depending on how complex of a fix is required. We do not expect a longterm closure of either the meet-and-greet spaces or the attraction at this time.

The Joy meet and greet closed earlier this summer as she made her way to Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

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Meet and great has been closed there for over a month now.