Disney Springs Business Owners Speak Out at Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Meeting

    A number of independent Disney Springs business owners were present at today’s Central Florida Tourism Oversight District meeting to speak to the Board of Supervisors. Owners from Wine Bar George, Splitsville, T-Rex Cafe, Yak and Yeti, The Boathouse, and more were in attendance this morning and spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting.

    Owners asked for a chance to create a lane of dialog with the new Board. They also expressed concerns for their dining locations and the people they employ given the tense and negative public sentiment surrounding the battle between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Walt Disney World. The owners also expressed concerns about Disney’s future investment into the Walt Disney World area given the ongoing battle with DeSantis.

    The owners seemingly worked to try and cool tensions between the two parties, noting that any action taken against Walt Disney World could impact the hundreds of people that they employ. Many of the owners expressed concerns over the potential of increased taxes from the District and the significant financial impact on the businesses and the many employees they have.

    Board Chair Martin Garcia noted that the Board might be able to increase District revenues by taking affirmative action against Disney World in the 90 lawsuits that Disney is involved in against the Property Appraiser.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at BlogMickey.com as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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    1. DeSantis is going to destroy mom and pop’s just because Disney said they disagree with him, they never took any action, All they said publicly is that they just disagree with it because of some of the wording.

      DeSantis is going to screw himself because corporations are not going to back him for president if they see him using the government to attack corporations. If they don’t simply agree with his policies. And this is coming from the Republican corporate executives. The head of Disney is even a republican and contribute as significant amount to the Republican party and de Santa himself before this ordeal.

    2. I will not step foot in Florida as long as DeSantis and his minions are in control. Republicans destroy everything they touch. It’s disgusting.

    3. It amazes me so many people are against corporations getting special tax breaks and special exemptions. Until a Republican removes those protections then it’s the worst thing ever. Also those who don’t want to come to Florida that’s great I’m good with that we are full anyway.

      • Disney World paid in excess of $1.1B in state and local taxes in 2022. Public company = public info. Maybe read up on their financials. It’s quite interesting and not the narrative that is being sold to some.

      • Yes and all the mom and pop diverse businesses will suffer and close up because of it. But I guess most of you that cheers DeSatan would rather dine on alligator and python cuisine. Understood

    4. And he wants to be president????? I find it hard to believe myself saying this but he is EVEN WORSE than trump, charlie Crist should have been re elected gov, and this dude ,desantas should have just dropped off the face of the earth !!!!!

    5. I’ve always wanted to go to Disney world but the travel to Florida and heat there have stopped me. If the park moved to a less extreme state, in distance, weather, and politics, I would definitely make the trip. Hopefully this moves that along!

      • You can’t pick up a complex the size of Disney world which is twice the size of Manhattan and just move it to another state. Seriously?

        • You can over time. Start building elsewhere and start closing shop where they’re at now. The losses for Florida would far outweigh those from Disney.

    6. DeSantis is ruining the Republican Party with his Mickey Mouse tactics against Disney. His over governing which is not a true Republican should lead to a recall of this dictatorship governor. Don’t dare vote this dictator in for President!!!!

    7. What intelligent person that is trying to move up in politics, makes a move against their state’s largest money maker? DeSantis should leave Disney World alone and concentrate on the state of Florida in and of itself! Disney World brings in more revenue for Florida then ALL the other entertainment options in Florida and surrounding states, combined! I call it “stupidity” to start a “feud ” with Disney!!

    8. DeSantis is going down. My money is in Mickey. Good for Disney fighting back. Florida is in trouble big time. Get that guy out of there before he puts the State it’s children it’s schools and the tax payers I in bankruptcy. No Corp will hire any students coming out of those colleges now. Disney should move out and teach the State and it’s people a lesson.

    9. This whole thing with DeSantis against Disney is stupid. De Santis needs to get back to Florida and address the real issues here. For instance, the home insurance crisis.

      You cannot punish a private company because they don’t agree with you. Using his office and power to do that is against the First Amendment. I wish he would just go away. He is awful for Florida.

    10. The US Supreme Court and the GOP for years have been screaming about how business’ and corporations have freedom of speech and first amendment rights. I guess they really mean, keep giving.us money and you can speak, but disagree with us and you no longer have that right. If corporations are getting their first amendment rights taken away from them what stops the GOP from doing that from regular people. Think people think!!

    11. You couldn’t pay me to travel to Florida for anything!! DeSantis and his BS will drive business away all because they said they disagreed.. He will ruin florida more than it already was. Have fun losing jobs because he has a tiny ego. You voted for him now live with his narcissistic, fascist BS!! Go watch fox so they can keep using you and lying to you!!God do you right wing cheeto worshippers EVER get a clue??

    12. Then stay out of FL. Too many people here now. Most coming in just to try and change our FL that we grew up with. Stay up North go to NY they need ppl to come back.

    13. DeSantis is using his power and fl money to fight a mega company because they disagree with him on something it’s sad and if this go’s on it will cost millions in court he is bad for fl. And for the country

    14. I appreciate hearing the concerns of independent business owners, and how this feud and uncertainty impacts them. The post brings some levity and highlights the stakes for those who are really on the receiving end of all these sudden and unpredictable changes.

      Attempting to silence anyone in the USA is a bad strategy. Disney stories don’t end with the villain prevailing.

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