Inside Out 2 Preview Now Playing at Hollywood Studios + Character Maquettes & Concept Art

    Guests visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios can now catch a preview of Inside Out 2 at the end of the Walt Disney Presents exhibit. In addition to a 10-minute preview, guests can find impressive character maquettes and concept art on display in the theater lobby.

    We visited Disney’s Hollywood Studios today to check it out!

    Inside Out 2 Preview at Hollywood Studios

    The Inside Out 2 preview replaces the One Man’s Dream film, and a preview for Percy Jackson before it. There is only one display case for Inside Out 2, which is less than recent previews. That said, there are impressive character maquettes for new emotions – Anxiety, Embarrassment, and Ennui. Here’s a look at the display!

    The preview itself is 10 minutes long and follows the familiar emotions as they encounter the arrival of new emotions thanks to the alarm-raising news that Riley is starting puberty. We immensely enjoyed the first Inside Out movie, and this preview shows that creators not only understood what made it great, but that they will be able to expertly navigate puberty and new emotions – even if it’s a bit of a bumpy road for Riley.

    The preview sets up what we think will be the start of the movie – the arrival of new emotions as Riley navigates summer Hockey Camp and the ever-changing landscape of friendship. Here are a few stills from the preview. Note that video and flash photography are prohibited.

    Inside Out 2 hits theaters June 14th and tickets are now on sale.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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