Smellephants watch has had some new developments in Magic Kingdom, to the elation of only a single person, your humble author. In terms of multi-level marketing sponsorships, there can be none greater than the Scentsy “Smellephants on Parade” coming to Storybook Circus.
Armed with a single piece of concept art and the enthusiasm of a newly minted Scentsy junior consultant trying to make it up the ranks, we made it out to Magic Kingdom this afternoon to find new clues as to where these scented elephants may eventually appear. As ever, this article contains speculation paired with observation. Let’s go.

In our last update on this project, we scoured Storybook Circus for clues of infrastructure work that might tip us off to where the Smellephants would be located. Today, we returned to find a wonderful helping of confirmation bias. To get up to speed before continuing this article, here’s our last update.

Well, those PVC pipes are now hidden by what appears to be temporary foliage in a flowerbed near the Casey Jr. Splash ‘N’ Soak Station. Seen below, there are two clusters of ferns, presumably there instead of bare pine straw in an effort to beautify the area before the Smellephants grace us with their presence.

We’re not sure if we’re days, weeks, or years away from the arrival of the Smellephants on Parade, but we’ll keep checking in as Smellephants Watch continues.
As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!
Will Disney install the Elephants before Epic Universe opens… that is the real question here