It has begun. 850 days after the first Harmonious barge was installed in World Showcase Lagoon, the first Harmonious barge has been removed from World Showcase Lagoon. The removal represents a costly miscalculation from Disney that led to a premature end to EPCOT’s replacement show for Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. Harmonious, which was undoubtedly an impressive show, suffered from unsightly hardware that was anchored in World Showcase Lagoon.
Now, Disney has begun the removal of the Harmonious barges as they shift focus to a new show set to debut later this year. The first barge to be removed, which was the Germany “taco” barge, now sits in a backstage marina. Here’s a look at World Showcase Lagoon this morning!

Here’s a closer look at the anchor, which provided necessary show support elements such as electricity to the now-removed barge.

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