After Axing Diversity & Inclusion Programs, Hypocritical Statements Discovered from Tourism Oversight District Administrator Glenton Gilzean

    Earlier this month, Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Administrator Glenton Gilzean abolished Diversity & Inclusion programs at the District. In a prepared statement, Gilzean called the programs “illegal and simply un-American“. The statement from Gilzean noted that he was the former head of the Central Florida Urban League, which is a civil rights organization. Gilzean leaned into his previous tenure as justification for the removal of the programs. Now, comments he made as the President of the CFUL have surfaced that are in stark contrast to the comments he made as the DeSantis-appointed District Administrator (h/t Scott Maxwell).

    In an October 2021 Instagram post signed by Gilzean, he noted that he was proud of Disney’s Diversity & Inclusion programs:

    I am proud that Disney has expanded its efforts to help countless Black owned businesses and entrepreneurs through its supplier diversity program.

    …It takes everyone in our community to work together to end generational poverty and I am thankful that we have Disney leading the way.

    In Central Florida, Disney is intertwined in all of our lives and I truly believe we are all better for it.
    Glenton Gilzean Jr. (former) President & CEO CFUL

    The Central Florida Urban League is an affiliate of the Nation Urban League, which said that Gilzean betrayed the values of the organization by cutting the Diversity & Inclusion programs.

    The National Urban League and our nationwide movement of more than 90 local affiliates are shocked and dismayed by Glen Gilzean’s betrayal of the values at the very core of our mission
    Marc Morial, President and CEO National Urban Leage

    Publically available information shows that some employees at the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District have stopped referencing “Diversity & Inclusion” and started using the phrase “Belonging”.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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    1. Political double speak by governmental members is nothing new or unique to this board. People always have to speak in their current political narrative regardless of any past stance on issues. Let’s face it, he’d lose this $400k a year job if he didn’t operate under the Desantis created narrative. For him and the board members, they always know big brother Desantis is watching! If they operated in a way that was even slightly pro-Disney, they know they’d be on the chopping block eventually.

    2. It was ok when he, William Allen, Clarence Thomas, Elders, Candace Owen and the numerous other benefited now it’s unamerican. A snake will always be a snake.

    3. In order to keep their Jobs….they do what
      They must to bow to the facist agenda of the
      DeSantis Gang?

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