Disneyland Implements COVID-19 Recommendations from Health Agency After Theme Park Tour

    Orange County Health officials recently toured Disneyland and Disney California Adventure to take a look at the health and safety measures Disney has implemented, as well as providing some feedback for the theme parks.

    According to a report from the OC Register, Orange County Health Care Agency Director Clayton Chau and the agency’s Communicable Disease Control Division Medical Director Matthew Zahn provided some feedback to Disney officials after a tour of the parks last week. Here are some of the reported changes that Disney has implemented:

    • Adding Spanish language signs with health and safety protocol information
    • Placing ground markings outside restrooms to help minimize cross traffic
    • Installing additional hand sanitizing stations at attractions

    Disneyland is in the process of installing thousands of COVID-19 health and safety measures in their California theme parks, likely very similar to what we have seen implemented here in Orlando at Walt Disney World.

    Of course, the work seems to be in vain given recent comments by California Governor Gavin Newsom in which he said that the state is in “no hurry” to provide reopening guidelines to theme parks. Newsom also said that he doesn’t believe that large theme parks like Disneyland will be opening soon, despite teasing an announcement weeks ago.

    Orange County Health as recommended that Disneyland be able to open sooner than draft guidelines from the state called for.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at BlogMickey.com as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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    1. Disneyland should not being opening! Californians are not obeying the laws of quarantine. So many people are not wearing masks outside in Orange when they need to wear masks. I signed a petition that Disneyland needs to stay closed until pandemic is over. As of right now, we are not getting better. If I have to wait two years for the pandemic to be over fot Disneyland to stay closed, so be it. It’s better than risk getting sick from people who don’t wear masks on a regular basis.

    2. Couldn’t agree more Alexandria. The average person doesn’t even know what a virus is let alone what a viral infection does to the body. We’ve already adjusted to the new norm at this point . Lets wait till we can show up at the gate with a doctors note showing that we’ve been vaccinated. And we can all have a ✨magical day.✨

    3. To Alexandra
      You do not care about anyone since you were so selfish as to sign a petition for Disneyland to stay closed until after the pandemic is over. So many thousands of people have lost their jobs and their families depended on them for food, shelter and medical insurance now they have no money and no insurance thanks to people like yourself. If Disneyland stays closed for 2 years as you suggested it may never reopen and everyone will lose their jobs. The thing you do not understand is that with so many people out of work already it is impossible to get a job right now even a seasonal job which pays less than Disney and does not offer medical insurance. I wish people would stop being selfish. I am betting that you go places indoors that are not even a necessity but you are afraid of people going to a theme park which is mostly outdoors. Also why do you feel the need to argue with the health officials? Apparently you feel as if you know more about public health than the people who went to school for years and got degrees in their line of work. What you are doing is no better than someone with superstition.

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